(915) 877-3544
[email protected]
Large and Small Storage Units Available Today!
5×5, 10×10, 8×16, and 10×20 units ready to move in as soon as you can get here
15% Discount for Active Duty
Refer your friends and get a discount on rent
24-Hour Storage Security Camera System
We’ll keep a sharp eye on making sure your property stays safe
Near Fort Bliss, TX
Within 10 minutes of Fort Bliss, we couldn’t be closer
Coded Entrance Gate
Only trusted members and security can access our property
The Most Affordable Storage Units in El Paso
We’ll match any competitor’s prices!
Our Location
We’re right on the corner of Montana and Mescalero Dr.
1515 Mescalero Dr. El Paso, Texas 79925
Gate Hours
6:00am to 6:00pm
We’re a proud member of the Texas Self Storage Association